Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 1 Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 18:13

In case you are wondering, I won't be making an outline like this every day. Today is a Sunday though and I had time to put down an outline of what I am reading.


Chapter 1

-God only calls the light good on day 1 on other days he calls "it" (creation) good - there seems to be contrast between the good of light and the otherness of dark
-The first commandment is given Gen 1:28

Chapter 2

-The Tree of Life and the tree of knowledge were in the middle of the garden
-Only one of the trees is forbidden
-Interesting the tree of life seems to be ignored by the serpent and Eve

Chapter 3

-The Serpent is never referred to as "Satan" or "the devil" in fact he is referred to as livestock and as a crafty and a wild animal
-"Like one of us" (Trinity reference?)

Chapter 4

-Cain brought "some of the fruits" of his labor
-Abel brought some of the "firstborn"

Chapter 5

-Vengeance 7 times and 77 times referred to reminds me of Jesus answer on forgiveness
-There seems to be no record of Cains' death

Chapter 6

-Nephilim are the children of the daughters of men and the son's of God
-God regrets making man, he is grieved...
-Noah did everything just as God commanded him

Chapter 7

-And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him
-The high mountains were covered to a depth of 20 feet

Chapter 8

-Every inclination from childhood is evil...

Chapter 9

-First commandment repeated, fruitful multiply fill earth
-Rainbow covenant established between God and "all" life on earth (including animals?)
-Canaan sees father's nakedness and is cursed

Chapter 10

-Verses 15 and 16 reads like the times where God tells his people to obliterate peoples later on in the OT - I guess Canaan is truly cursed...
-Multiple languages mentioned

Chapter 11

-The world had one language, a common speech - I assume this is in addition to the multiple languages mentioned in Chapter 10?
-That we not be scattered
-The Lord scattered them
-Seems they broke the first commandment?
-Terah (Abrams Father) set out for Canaan but stopped short in Ur.

Chapter 12

-"In Canaan" is the seed of Israel as well as their future enemies?
-Abram and Lot set out for Canaan and made it.
-I will make you a great nation
-Abram lies to the Egyptians

Chapter 13

-Abram and Lot separate, Lot goes to Sodom
-God makes more promises

Chapter 14

-Abram meets with the King of Sodom and the Kind of Salem - Interesting contrast between these two men.
-The tithe to the priest
-The refusal of a gift from Sodom's king

Chapter 15

-Righteousness by faith

Chapter 16

-Abram and Sarai and the surrogate mother - of Egyptian descent - interesting that this is not of the Canaan line.

Chapter 17

-The covenant of circumcision

Chapter 18

-The Lord appeared
-Abram saw 3 men
-They answered
-The Lord said
-No distinction between the three men and the Lord - Trinity?

Wow! it is amazing how the Bible comes alive, even when you are very familiar with a passage, the Lord can make something "new" just pop off the page. I noticed a global theme. In the first 3 days of creation God makes three different realms or pots in days 4-6 he fills them.

Then he commands Adam to fill the earth. He reminds Noah, the people of Babel disobey ("lest we be scattered") and then he scatters the people by confusing their languages at Babel.

The appearance of the Trinity is very distinct to me this time. I keep seeing The Father, The Lord (the son) and the spirit. Also mentions of the 3 men appearing to Abram is interesting.

Is the serpent Satan? When did the dinosaurs happen? Was the serpent a dinosaur? A thought came to mind that none of the dinosaurs crawled on their bellies but all of the reptiles and snakes of today do. Is the serpent truthful in his "lie" about the knowledge?

Is there only one language or many before Babel?

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