Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My chat conversation today with "Someone" who is doing the challenge.

ShiftM2 [11:01 AM]:
Just wanted to ask you how the reading is going?
Someone [11:01 AM]:
I am a day behind, but intend to catch up today

ShiftM2 [11:01 AM]:
Cool, I am right on track but was a day behind on Sunday

Someone [11:01 AM]:
The last part of Exodus and Leviticus are difficult to read

ShiftM2 [11:02 AM]:
They are difficult
Someone [11:02 AM]:
I find myself thinking about the Word a lot more as Paul said, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

ShiftM2 [11:03 AM]:
Me too I think this will change the way I read the Bible even after this challenge, how is your reading-buddy faring?
Someone [11:03 AM]:
Not quite as good, he is behind a fair amount, but is working on catching up slowly.

ShiftM2 [11:03 AM]:
Well, keep encouraging him.
Someone [11:03 AM]:
I am and will... is writing encouraging reminders and stuff on the paint of his car a good idea?
Someone [11:04 AM]:
LOL, thanks for checking in on me I appreciate that!

ShiftM2 [11:05 AM]:
No problem! Something just occurred to me, Convince your reading buddy to stay on track each day now, If he is a bit behind just see if he can stay the same amount behind as he currently is, He will find that when he gets to portions of the Bible that area easier to read that it is easier to catch up.
Someone [11:05 AM]:
That's a good idea! You are a mastermind, and probably the most intelligent person I have ever known.
ShiftM2 [11:05 AM]:
I hear that a lot. Narrative is easier to read law and stuff is more difficult.
Someone [11:06 AM]:
Yes, and the New Testament is much easier to read than most of the Old Testament
Someone [11:06 AM]:
Take care

ShiftM2 [11:06 AM]:
ShiftM2 [11:07 AM]:
And don’t feel bad if I use some of this conversation on my blog. I will be sure to hide the fact that you are a relative of mine (or not) that wants to remain anonymous, I may even edit the details to hide your identity. I will be careful to only quote you on stuff you actually said (mostly).
Someone [11:08 AM]:
Take care, I don’t mind if you quote me at all. As long as they do not find out it was I vandalizing that car.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

10% There!

Wow, 1 tenth of the way through the entire Bible. Hope you reading is going well. Tomorrow, I start the book of Numbers.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Not just a book

Just a reminder that this isn't just a book we are reading. It is a sword, a light, God's own words. Don't expect that God will leave you unchanged when you are done. His words spoke mountains and galaxies into existence, they just might be able to renew your mind and heal your heart.

Hallway Discussions

Yesterday I bumped into Danny Seffens at work. We talked about our reading progress and it struck me how excited we both were about the reading we are doing. This got me to thinking about the kinds of conversations other challenge participants are having. If you have a minute, send me an e-mail or comment on this post.

  • Have you told people about the reading challenge?
  • If you have, do you think it is helping you by keeping you accountable with your friends?
  • Has anybody followed up with you and asked you how your reading is going?
  • Has anybody reacted strangely when you told them about the challenge? (That is crazy! I could never do that!)

Still with me?

Yeah? The clock reads 3 something am, I am lying in bed (gotta love technology) and I can't go back to sleep cause I am thinking about today's read. I feel like I am on an Exodus and I know Moses personally.

I actually have been dreaming this stuff in my sleep. I don't think I have ever felt so immersed in the Old Testament before and today is just day six!

Hope your reads are going well.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 3 Update: Welcome Newcomers to the Challenge

Just a quick welcome to Cheryl, Amber and Tara (the latter two have not signed in on the roster yet but they are official) to the Challenge. Amber's blog is linked on this site now too. If anybody else who is doing the challenge will be blogging about it at all let me know and I will link you too.

Day 3 Update: My wife and I are enjoying the read so much, she was done by 10:30 yesterday after feeling like she would have a hard time reading so much each day (Ezekiel is coming honey). I am having a hard time not reading ahead but will manage to hold back.

All of this time in my Bible has got me dreaming about Bible stories, last night I dreamt I was Isaac seeing his first love across the field (of course My wife was Rebecca in the scene) excited to know who this beautiful woman was. Aware that Dad had sent the servant to run an errand back home. Well...

I am still praying for you folks doing the reading challenge. The list continues to grow. As you tell your friends about the challenge, tell them it is never too late to participate.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Armored Soldiers Defense and Offense at The Ready

The enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy.




Each of these words is singular in its meaning. Friends, we are embarking on an 80 day sword handling exercise. A sword is a weapon, it is designed for battle. It is not a shield. It has a clear purpose. We are working to be able to rightly divide the word of truth. We are learning to handle one of the offensive weapons that make up the armor of God. You might be thinking, 2 offensive weapons in the armor of God? I can think of one, the sword. The belt of truth does not sound like an offensive weapon. The breastplate of righteousness sounds defensive. Feet fitted with readiness, not offensive. The shield of faith is defensive too. What else is offensive?


Paul asks that we "pray in the spirit on all occasions with this in mind... pray also for me."
Paul believed his own armor was incomplete without the prayers of others. I believe this too. The enemy does not want to you complete this challenge. He wants to steal your joy, kill your heart and destroy your motivation to get closer to him. Trust me he actually would like to kill you too.

Fight Satan's schemes with prayer. Pray for each of us. Pray for me. Pray for motivation, less distraction and for devotion. Pray for our families. Pray for the spouses of those in the challenge.
The battle rages, yet we fight. Stand firm.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bible Reading and Study Resources

In researching some of the various Bible reading plans on the web I have come across a number of great resources. Also there are a few here that I have used for ages that I will list too. I am going to list them here. Sky also told me about a resource she is using for her read. Sky, I forgot what it was, could you e-mail it to me? thebiblein80days@gmail.com

Online Bibles
Bible Reading Plans - (Other than the one this site is dedicated to :)
Daily Devotionals
Great reads
  • Pete Gall - His books My Beautiful Idol is amazing ,Learning My Name (due out this June or July) will be even better. If you want to buy them see the link below. If you liked Blue Like Jazz you will like Pete quite a bit http://astore.amazon.com/petegallssoul-20/of course, you won't have time to read these until August :)
Bible Software
  • eSword - Man I wish this was out back when I was in Bible College! Rick Meyers the creator and owner of this FREE Bible software has got to be the coolest geek in the entire Christian world. Enough said.
If you'd like to recommend anything for this list just e-mail me or add it to the comments section of this post.

Day 1 Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 18:13

In case you are wondering, I won't be making an outline like this every day. Today is a Sunday though and I had time to put down an outline of what I am reading.


Chapter 1

-God only calls the light good on day 1 on other days he calls "it" (creation) good - there seems to be contrast between the good of light and the otherness of dark
-The first commandment is given Gen 1:28

Chapter 2

-The Tree of Life and the tree of knowledge were in the middle of the garden
-Only one of the trees is forbidden
-Interesting the tree of life seems to be ignored by the serpent and Eve

Chapter 3

-The Serpent is never referred to as "Satan" or "the devil" in fact he is referred to as livestock and as a crafty and a wild animal
-"Like one of us" (Trinity reference?)

Chapter 4

-Cain brought "some of the fruits" of his labor
-Abel brought some of the "firstborn"

Chapter 5

-Vengeance 7 times and 77 times referred to reminds me of Jesus answer on forgiveness
-There seems to be no record of Cains' death

Chapter 6

-Nephilim are the children of the daughters of men and the son's of God
-God regrets making man, he is grieved...
-Noah did everything just as God commanded him

Chapter 7

-And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him
-The high mountains were covered to a depth of 20 feet

Chapter 8

-Every inclination from childhood is evil...

Chapter 9

-First commandment repeated, fruitful multiply fill earth
-Rainbow covenant established between God and "all" life on earth (including animals?)
-Canaan sees father's nakedness and is cursed

Chapter 10

-Verses 15 and 16 reads like the times where God tells his people to obliterate peoples later on in the OT - I guess Canaan is truly cursed...
-Multiple languages mentioned

Chapter 11

-The world had one language, a common speech - I assume this is in addition to the multiple languages mentioned in Chapter 10?
-That we not be scattered
-The Lord scattered them
-Seems they broke the first commandment?
-Terah (Abrams Father) set out for Canaan but stopped short in Ur.

Chapter 12

-"In Canaan" is the seed of Israel as well as their future enemies?
-Abram and Lot set out for Canaan and made it.
-I will make you a great nation
-Abram lies to the Egyptians

Chapter 13

-Abram and Lot separate, Lot goes to Sodom
-God makes more promises

Chapter 14

-Abram meets with the King of Sodom and the Kind of Salem - Interesting contrast between these two men.
-The tithe to the priest
-The refusal of a gift from Sodom's king

Chapter 15

-Righteousness by faith

Chapter 16

-Abram and Sarai and the surrogate mother - of Egyptian descent - interesting that this is not of the Canaan line.

Chapter 17

-The covenant of circumcision

Chapter 18

-The Lord appeared
-Abram saw 3 men
-They answered
-The Lord said
-No distinction between the three men and the Lord - Trinity?

Wow! it is amazing how the Bible comes alive, even when you are very familiar with a passage, the Lord can make something "new" just pop off the page. I noticed a global theme. In the first 3 days of creation God makes three different realms or pots in days 4-6 he fills them.

Then he commands Adam to fill the earth. He reminds Noah, the people of Babel disobey ("lest we be scattered") and then he scatters the people by confusing their languages at Babel.

The appearance of the Trinity is very distinct to me this time. I keep seeing The Father, The Lord (the son) and the spirit. Also mentions of the 3 men appearing to Abram is interesting.

Is the serpent Satan? When did the dinosaurs happen? Was the serpent a dinosaur? A thought came to mind that none of the dinosaurs crawled on their bellies but all of the reptiles and snakes of today do. Is the serpent truthful in his "lie" about the knowledge?

Is there only one language or many before Babel?

Tracking sheet and welcome!

First, welcome Carol to the challenge!

I received a number of responses from people who would like to use the tracking sheet. I love getting the messages so don't think I am trying to stop you from sending them. If you would like to take a look at the spreadsheet you can see it here in Google docs:


Just choose file>export then pick .xls (if you use Excel) You can enter the date you start reading and the number of pages you plan to read per day on the top right and it will do the rest for you.

Well, I got more reading to do! :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Last Minute Changes and Preparations

Tomorrow starts the big day. Some of you have already begun. My big last minute change is to switch to the NASB. I prefer it and have already read the NIV (mostly I think, as a teenager my Bible was an NIV). Also, the last marathon Bible read I did was the NT in a week and for that I used the NIV.

So despite my wife and I getting some IBS NIV Bibles, I am going to use my Cambridge Pitt Minion calfskin. I like it more anyway.

I have come up with a great reading chart/sheet that can be used in Excel for trackign your reading, or as a printed guide. If you's like a copy of it just email me at thebiblein80days@gmail.com and i will send you a copy of it.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Three, two, one...

As of today, the roster looks like this:
  • Matthew
  • Andrea
  • Danny Seffens
  • Robin Nichols
  • Bill Rieger
  • Byrd
  • David Spyros
  • Jenny Blevins
  • melissa
  • Arron Talburt
  • Michele Seffens
  • TrevorB
  • sky
  • Dawn Goff
I just want each of you to know that I am praying for you. I am praying that you will be able to stay on top of your reading. Praying that the Word would speak to you richly. 80 days is a long time. Sometimes it is hard to do anything for a week let alone 80 days. I thought today about something I read in a book called The power of full engagement that doing anything for 90 days creates a new habit. That if you are trying to establish good habits and practices in your life that is the time-frame it takes to do them on will-power, after that your brain naturally will lean towards that activity on a daily basis. So, if part of your motivation for doing this challenge is to establish a habit of daily Bible reading, you are on the right track.

I also want to encourage you, If you do get behind by a day, or two, or three. Keep going. Don't quit. Just keep moving. Pretend you never missed a day. Press on towards the goal.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It is on

This is really happening. Breath deeply, get ready to take in God's word at a frantic pace. The list grows and it strikes me that this is not a list of individuals running a race. This is the beginning of a team ready to win. Pray for each name on the list below. Some are people you may have met, some friends of friends. All united in purpose.

Yes, it is on.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Make something happen"

In case you have not noticed, I am getting just a little bit excited about this Bible reading challenge. The roster at the bottom of this site is growing slowly but steadily. There is a group of us who have decided to commit to this challenge, some started reading today.

I was telling a friend of mine today that one of my favorite things to read is trip journals from people who ride their bicycles across America. (crazyguyonabike.com for example) For me this challenge is a little bit like riding a bicycle across the country, it sounds like a huge undertaking and commitment. It seems a bit crazy, but the rewards will be big.

Imagine yourself packing for a long journey not sure exactly what waits at the other end because your last long ride was long ago. Maybe you have always wanted to get through the Bible. Maybe you feel like you always forget where stuff is or can't quite remember what a certain passage said.

One of the ride journals I read a couple weeks ago was about a couple in their 60s who decided to buy a couple of recumbent tricycles and see the US. I think about my own short bike rides in front of my driveway. Riding in the same circles over and over is such a small thing in contrast to riding across the country.

Sometimes I think I read the Bible in a way that is a lot like riding circles in my driveway. It is time for more. It is time for spending time in Gods word in a way that may not be convenient. It will probably impact the amount of time I spend watching TV, but the journey is everything.

How much time will it take each day?

According to a study "The average American adult reads prose text at 250 to 300 words per minute." With this in mind the NIV (which has 726,606 words) should take between 48-40 hours of reading total.If you are curious about your reading speed there are a number of resources that you can use to measure it. Can you spare a half hour a day?Note: "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" has an estimated 561,792 words, I read that in a couple of weeks when I was a kid. "The Hobbit" has 95,674 words.

I hope...

Benefits I hope will come from speed reading the Bible:
  1. Material stays fresh in your brain so that you notice threads and connections between passages that are located many books apart
  2. Sense of accomplishment
  3. Draw closer to God through his word
  4. Get a break from a high level of media consumption: TV, news etc.
  5. Increase understanding of the scriptures

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A team effort

So my wife and I have agreed to do the 80-day challenge together. We bought matching NIV Bibles so that we can follow the same page numbering and stuff.

If you want to do the challenge, just grab your Bible and divide the total number of pages by 80 to find out how many pages to read per day.

Monday, May 11, 2009


The parameters I will try to follow for this 80-day journey are as follows:
  1. Read each day
  2. Don't get behind or ahead
  3. Don't replace or quit existing devotional reading
  4. Report on the reading: Observations, Reflection, Application, Problems, Key Passages
My hope is that by following these parameters, I will be able to get the most out of the reading. I plan to report back on the reading on this blog and will write even when I am on vacation (posting may be delayed due to internet connectivity).

Getting ready for an 80-day journey

What to pack:

1) A Bible - I will be using one of these
2) A Pen - A red disposable Bic will suffice
3) A Bookmark - Blue Post-it flag is my bookmark of choice
4) A Notebook - Gotta reflect right?
5) A Devotional Read - For me, "Thoughts From the Diary of a Desperate Man" by Walter Henrichsen

Why 80 Days?

Why would anybody want to read the Bible in 80 days? 80 days is so very doable. I am tired of the stuff I hear from people all of the time about how hard it is to read the Bible. It is not hard to read the Bible.

I am planning to use a copy of the New International Version (NIV) that has 879 pages. This amounts to only 11 pages per day. "Yeah but you are not going to get anything out of the Bible if you read it that fast."

Wanna bet?

Challenge runs Sunday May 17th - August 4th 2009!